Friday, September 18, 2009

HTML Hyperlinks

We just officially figured out how to link other websites into our webpages. The code looks like this {a href="LINK"> Hotspit{/a}. I knew this before, but now I'm allowed to actually put it into my career and favorites page. I already had one link I forget to get rid of in my Career page, so I just left it there and only had to insert only two other links for my assignment. I chose to link the google definition ( for when it said Undergraduate Degree. I linked the google defintion ( Osteopathic Medicine when I used those two words as well. My third link was to where I got all the imformation from in the first place ( With my favorites page, my background was blue, so unvisited links could not be seen so I had to search up and find how to change link color. I eventually did and found it was an attribute to the Body tag (Link="#------" for unvisited links and Vlink="#------" for visited links).


  1. Why no updates? When you are done with the class, you should use this blog for awesomeness.
    Where is the career page?

  2. oh the irony, they teach you how to use links but you dont actually use them

  3. When will there be some updates. I get so bored of reading this every night.
